If you are going to be traveling and have someone who can go to the post office for you then the following is what we are doing
Set up an account with United Parcel Service.
We fill out 5 or 6 hold mail forms for the post office, each is good for 30 days.File the first one for the day before you leave On the form we print the name of the person picking up mail for us. (In our case son).
Son picks up mail on his day off and goes through it putting in the trash any obvious junk mail. When our monthly prescriptions are ready at the pharmacy he picks them up. He places all the items in a box.
He calls us and tells us he has a box to be sent.
Using my UPS account I figure out what town we will be in within the next week that has a UPS office.
We have the box sent there and held for pickup.
The package will be held at the office for 5 days for our pickup.
We are free to travel without worry about receiving mail.
We tried using Post Office forwarding service including the premium service and it did not work.