Forum Discussion

klr650goldwing's avatar
Aug 16, 2016


We are retiring in the spring of 2017. In the summer we will be heading out for an extended trip; 5-6 months at least. If we are having fun, who knows, could go much longer. Tonight we are wondering about mail. How do you alley your mail when you are on the go?
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    I use Dakota Post out of Sioux Falls SD

  • Most full timers use some type of mail forwarding service like escapees, or Good Sam.

    We use family, in case we get something offbeat.

    All our bills are done electronically. It is very easy to sign up for paperless billing. We only have 3 monthly bills. All insurance is done yearly.

    Usually you want your mail going to your domicile State.