It has been well established here and on other forums that trucks and RV's are in the eye of the beholder. We are full timers, don't have a bricks and stixs so our RV is our only home.
I would not pull with anything but a Ford or Dodge, we use the F450 Ford, the truck would need to be a Dually. RV building regulations restrict the square footage to 430 square feet. How much living space will you gain by going up 2' in length?, versus the refinancing or added cost? We RV'ed for years in bumper pulls, longest was 32'. We now have a 39' 5th wheel toyhauler which has a 12' garage which gives use 27' of living space, we find this more that adequate. We used the RV rule of 6 months, if you haven't used, wore, or touched a thing or device in 6 months then you don't need it. We did include a Splendide washer/dryer in our required needs, we also have the ability to add another AC in the bedroom but have not done so yet because we don't see the need, we do live 60% of the time in Rockport, Texas.