hitchup wrote:
What taxes?
We've never been charged sales taxes on any Mobile Tech work. Only for parts that we bought ourselves and DH DIY'd. If you're working in FL or TX, there's no State Income Tax, so might as well grow the business and be legitimate.
Federal, State & local. Plus ordinances, permits & certifications many of which you wouldn't be aware until you're cited. These laws are passed under the guise of eliminating the fly-by-night service people. (IE: roaming RV repairmen) Actually they are enacted to eliminate competition. And if a local spots you and reports you to the local authorities they'll drain your bank account quicker than you can blink.
I have a one-man business. My DW is a skilled accountant, bookkeeper and tax preparer. (No they're not all the same) She works very hard to keep me legal. While stationary, in Ohio.
A transient legal service man is practically a contradiction in terms. I would be very cautious how I presented myself to customers and the manner in which I received payment.
Just sayin'........