Tvov wrote:
Francesca Knowles wrote:
RoadLife wrote:
I agree with the poster that recommended you apply for public assistance and housing. Start standing on your own two feet.
Since when is using public assistance "standing on your own two feet"?
I was wondering about that... and, if someone is doing okay without being on welfare, why start?
PA exists for a reason: to ASSIST in standing on your own 2 feet; I've no problem with it being used for that purpose. It certainly makes more sense in many instances than depending on grandparents' limited resources which might not be there when the older generation is living on a limited income at retirement time. Read an interesting article on children paying for their own college costs as opposed to parents funding it. Similar related thunk and I'm glad to see it's time has come/returned to this country.
Back on topic. I believe for many of the reasons cited above, you'd be best off living in the RV park for at least a year, ShelbylovesKk.