I think it all depends upon you and your individual needs. As a kid, my dad took me on a road trip once (in the car, and not really camping ... but almost). We stopped on a back graveled road. He made a little fire and opened a can of pork-n-beans and simply put the can in the fire. Cooked up real well. We shared the can together. The can was the cooking pot and the serving dish! We used sticks as forks.
But for all practical purposes, you need to think about "lack of" space. Get pots and and pans that easily nest into each other. If you are by yourself, you really only need 1 plate, 1 fork, 1 spoon, 1 butter knife, 1 steak knife, 1 bowl, 1 cup. When I was a bachelor I fixed everything in one pot (which I cooked). I think I had only 1 pot ... for 5 years! It served as a frying pan, a stewing pot, a steamer, everything.
Think smart, look for cookware that has multiple purposes, stores with little space, and doesn't cost a bunch.
One thing you DO have to learn when camping (full time or week-end warrior) .... you absolutely have to clean up after meals and put everything away, no matter how much or little you have. If not, your camper will be a jumbled aggravating mess and you'll hate it. One of the basic rules for camping and especially full timers is: When done with "it", put "it" up immediately!
Good luck and happy camping!