2gypsies wrote:
rickeoni wrote:
I We never stopped having family camping trips, and now that they are married and have a life of their own we still plan a yearly family camping weekend once a year. We see all of our kids at least twice a week each.
I feel sorry for those that look at it any other way.
You certainly don't have to feel sorry for us, our kids or our grandkids. We're all happy with how we do it. Everyone is surely different and that's just fine.
We don't see them 2x/week as you do but then, we didn't do that before full-timing either - not even once a week and sometimes not even once a month. :) They have their lives and we have ours. They have their friends, activities, kids' sports practices, etc. I, personally, would not impose on them so often. They need breathing time, too. We, also, have our friends and activities. Our life does not revolve around our kids and their lives don't either. That's a healthy way to do it. Independence is good for the mind..and the body.
As far as your yearly weekend camp trip, that's great. We do that also but we also do it more than once a year and many times a lot more than a weekend. Like I said, everyone is different.
Also, what would you do if they got jobs away from you? Millions of people are in that spot.
Never said that I was imposing on them, most of the time they come to our house.
As far as jobs taking them away, might happen one day but hasn't yet hopefully never will.
I fully agree that everyones situation is different but family is family and we should never feel like getting together is an imposition.
That's my opinion and I am sticking to it.