We're in this quandary now. I grew up in the same town with my grandparents, and up to a certain age, spent the night with one set every week. My brother and I also went on country rides with them on Sundays and ate dinner with them before going home. I have the most wonderful memories of them and my other grandmother. We live 30 miles from our only grandson, who will most likely be the only grandchild we ever have. He spends every Friday night and all day Saturday with us. This was our idea and choice. He loves coming to our house and adores my DH, his Poppy. We don't want to lose this. While we won't full-time, we've considered selling our FL residence, moving to our house in the N. Ga. mountains, and part-time in FL in our RV. Essentially, be a snowbird, I guess. This would probably work out to approximately 4 to 6 months in FL, but not necessarily continuous months.
This thread has been interesting to follow. I certainly see all sides and agree that no one answer is the right answer. I want a perfect answer, and there isn't one. I'm just very conflicted on what to do and find it hard to make a concrete decision.