Typical trip for us has been about four months. About to leave on a ten month FT test So this will be a first time four season absence. If all goes well we will sell S&B. Looking for the more unique things you do preparing S&B. Renting out of the question, no relatives want or need free living and security is not a problem (I own a security co.) yard work and frequent inside house checks handled. What do or would you do?
NOT do a 10 month test.
A few months down south for the winter will tell you if you like the life style. You mention you have already done four months at a time trips. What more do you need to know if full timing is for you?
Traveling for the four seasons to experience it really means nothing. You will follow the sun anyway just like you did as a snowbird.
As a real estate agent I'm hear to tell you if you rent your home out you will have trashed your investment. Leaving it empty in these days is an invitation to have it vandalized and again there goes your investment.
Probably not what you want to hear but it's the cold hard truth. If you like RV'ing and have planned for retirement living in an RV?
Sell the house first. All problems solved and you hit the road without a care in the world except which way to head on down the road! :C