Affiliate systems are just that, systems that are not owned by any one park system but allow members of several parks systems that are affiliated with that particular system to share parks. Usually these systems are open to members on a limited basis such as no holidays, stays of only 7 days, stay only two or three times a year, etc. Probably our favorite affiliate system is ROD since staying in ROD parks is free after your initial yearly dues. Next is Coast to Coast which charges $10 a night. Since most membership systems have parks in one area like the West for example, belonging to an affiliate system allows you to be able to camp in membership parks other than your own system all over the United States. The main thing to look for when purchasing a home park system is that you want to make sure they are members of the affiliate system you want to use also. A few years ago Thousand Trails dropped out of ROD and there were a lot of unhappy campers since if they wanted to camp under ROD they had to find another home park system to join that included ROD. Presently we belong to ROD, Coast to Coast, RPI, and AOR and use them a lot so we feel it is worthwhile. Just like the home park system if you are not going to use them then it is money down the drain.