Forum Discussion

cheteckie's avatar
Aug 02, 2016

Vehicle insurance for full time rvers

I did a search through the archives, and am posting this to get more, and more current, opinions.

What company do you insure your RV with? Are you happy with the quality of service?

Any companies that should be avoided?

Thanks! We close on the S&B next week sometime, and our insurer does not do business in Texas (our new domicile state), or offer insurance for full timers.
  • Progressive, for about 7 years now. Do it directly on line. Check other full-time options about every year. Easy on line. No middle man known as an agent. Works for us.
  • X2 on National Interstate thru Explorer RV. I've never had a claim so cannot answer that part of the question.
  • National Interstate specializes in real full timers insurance coverages.

    Same type of policy you would have on S&B plus automotive coverage.

    We had our truck (full coverage/towing) plus 5th wheel (Home owners, replacement 1st 5 yrs/agreed value 6th yr, custom equipment, towing, motel etc.).
    Based on our SD residency address......$1500/yr

    We had 2 claims........during 7 yrs
    1 was minor and 1 was major ---- both handled quickly, no hassles, straight forward with follow-up. Easy to deal with.
    And NO they didn't raise rates on us due to claims.

    About the 4 yr we thought about 'moving' to TX so we asked for new quote based on Escapees address in Livingston TX
    Rates would almost double ----just due to TX vs SD address.
    Asked WHY.......agent stated cause TX Ins. Commission sets MAX Rate Ins. Co. can charge so they charge MAX ??????

    All I know is quote was ridiculous ----------same coverages/same policy just change of address.

    Anyway......National Interstate. Good company/real RV FT coverage
    Use a broker to get coverage
    Explorer RV was our broker agent
    Claims are handled DIRECTLY with National Interstate

  • Our domicile was in Livingston, Texas - Escapees RV Club mail forwarding. For our 16 years of full-timing we used Miller Insurance out of Oregon to search around and get us the best full-timer's policy. We'd get new bids every 2 or 3 years. They were awesome to work with. Over the years they typically found the best rates with Progressive and National Interstate.

    You certainly don't have to use an agent in the state you domicile. The policy will be written up with your domicile address regardless of what agent you use.
  • You should obtain your insurance in the state where you set up your new domicile/residence. We used S Dakota and the mail forwarding service had an agent in town that they recommended. I contacted them ahead of time and they did quotes for me thru 4 different company. We chose Progressive and just had our annual renewal. The rates went down! The agent worked with companies that specialized in full-timers insurance. We purchased tow coverage thru Coach Net and it covers our motorhome, jeep, trailer and motorcycles. We have not had to file any claims or use the tow service and hope not to.