stuplich wrote:
Francesca Knowles wrote:
My roadside assistance allows up to 200 miles tow to the location of my choice. Beyond that distance, I'm on my own to pay so-much-a-mile.
Which roadside assistant do you have?
CoachNet pays the tow to the "nearest shop qualified"" to repair your coach.
That can be problematic because CoachNet's list of "qualified shops" is sometimes WRONG!
When I had a CAT engine problem CoachNet paid for the 60 mile tow to the "nearest qualified shop" on their list.
However that Caterpillar shop DID NOT work on motor homes!....I had to drive,(LIMP), my coach with a de-rated/malfunctioning engine, over 50 miles to another CAT shop that could, (and did), fix it!
I'm surprised that Coach-Net did not tow you further to the other shop that you had to "limp mode" to. Sounds like you should have protested and asked to talk to a supervisor.
Going further, I know of one case where Coach-Net towed a motorhome from Alaska to the lower 48 and another where they towed a motorhome from Newfoundland to Cummins in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
They just recently towed my coach 125 miles to Cummins Coach Care in El Paso, and probably passed several diesel shops along the way that would have worked on my Cummins diesel. They talked to Coach Care before having me towed there to make sure that they would do the work on my coach and made arrangements to get me right in the shop the next day.