I have Amica for both the MH and toad. In July 2012 I needed a new rubber roof after it sustained tree damage. My mobile RV tech came to the RV park and gave me a written estimate, then I called Amica to file a claim. Amica's policy is that for a claim greater than $1,500 USD an insurance adjuster must inspect the damage. The adjuster came to the RV park, inspected the damage, took measurements of the roof, and I gave him the $3,000 written estimate. A week later I received a check in the amount of the written estimate, minus my deductible. Amica pays the policy holder, not the repair shop.
Amica was great to work with. My policy renewed a month later in August 2012 and I did not receive a rate increase. Last month the policy renewed at the same 2012 rate of $630.
On the other hand, my 2009 smart car has had rate decreases:
August 2011 it was $812/year.
August 2012 it was $804/year.
August 2013 it was $777/year.