Sfla2 wrote:
ok lets say i agree with u, then my ? is why are they even answereing MH calls at all.I wish GS would come out & say who they use & if they are checked out for MH calls or just some car outfit. If so then i blame GS for not getting involved with a reat trk outfit
I assume that not all tow companies are going to take the time to track down a tire. Most of them dont sell tires of any kind. That would be up to GSRSA to find the tire and tell the Tow co. Where to get it.
there are two different things going on here. Towing a Motor home is one thing. Tire service is another.
If they are calling the wrong kind of tire store/service then that is an educational problem at the call center.
The reason I don't really think it is all economic based is that in virtually all of the cases where the OP comes back to explain what GSRSA did for them. They were completely re-imbursed.
Going through all of this to issue a reimbursement check is far more costly to GSRSA than paying the normal way and having a happy customer.