To the OP consider the entire ordeal a learning experience. No need to blast GSRA they are not the real culprit. Relying on GSRA or anyone to bring you fuel is a recipe for heartache. Consider it a lesson learned. You surely cannot trust/rely on the mileage meter when you are down that low. I'm not sure I'd trust it at all while towing.
Man up! suck it up! blame yourself and move on. As mentioned everyone is entitled to run out of fuel once,although doing it while towing carries a double penalty!
Sometimes we learn are best lessons through our mistakes.
It's nice to know GSRA will not bring diesel,but honestly it should never come to that.
Never play your fuel that close while towing below 1/4 tank you need to stop and get fuel. If the light come on you went too long!
Once the light comes on you are on borrowed time GSRA or anyone else may not be able to save you from the potential headache at that point.