I need to follow up with your comment:
MDKMDK - very true. that cheered me up!
BB TX - My Jeep Liberty blew a valve and one pulled it out between rows. Took a while, several hookups. Very good operator. One driver put her bumper against the tow truck and tried to push it out of the way. Didn't work, damaged her car. angry Karen in a post office parking lot. Plenty of spots in other rows!
Midnightsadie - lol oh man. so true!
NamMedevac 70 - lots of complaints everywhere about AAA. They have made some poor decisions.
valhalla460 - they do have everybody's address book database. What we pay for I guess. I would change my own tires but...
KD4UPL - I have changed many many dump truck and trailer tires. Owned a truck fleet. Now missing fingers and hands crooked with arthritis. I cannot turn a wrench anymore. The problem with calling for your own assistance is remote and unknown areas, usually after hours. But if I could, I sure would do it myself.
NamMedevac 70 - I'm elderly as well, Corpsman 73-78. Spent last Friday night in the hospital, respiratory arrest from massive hornet stings. Can't run anymore! Wife saved my life again. Hope she doesn't get tired of it.
Haste maker - AAA did that with my wife in eastern Washington. Oh I was upset.
MDKMDK - I will give them another chance. More concerned with my truck/camper rig than the Jeep.
ScottG - Once my contract is up, I will prolly do the same. Hi neighbor. Brier.
time2roll - cash talks, bullchips walk.
Enjoyed the comments my friends. See you all out there.