Here is my follow up. We spent the night on that on ramp. I had called around myself and even though some tire shops were closed, they called me back. Brian from Redburn Tire of Tuscon was one of them. He did not have the tire but told me to call him back at 6:00 AM to get us going. He found the same tire as I lost and had his man on site by 8:00 AM. My tire was replaced and I was on my way in a little over half hour. The cost.... $514.00 Tire, service call, mounting and done. GSRA was quoting at least $200.00 more??
I called GSRA at 10:30 Sunday night and finally got to a supervisor. She was willing to send a tow but we decided that we did not want to be towed to an unknown area. She set up a call for 8:00 AM to help get us a tire. We wanted GSRA as a backup to Redburn. They called at 7:30 AM. The "Tire Professional" said she did not see the email hand-off from the first "Tire Professional" and what could she do for us now. I put her on hold till I knew if Redburn would show up. They did and GSRA was in catch up mode.
All in all... the small business man (Redburn) got it done and the big company with all their resources did not get it done. GSRA = "Generally Sh@tty rotten service".