Bit from here:
Good Sam Club History Sam's PrairielandersIn 1966, Trail-R-News, a southern California magazine, published a letter from a subscriber that recommended distributing decals to trustworthy RVers willing to offer assistance to fellow RVers. The publisher liked the idea and came up with the name the Good Sam Club, based on the parable of the Good Samaritan who helped a traveler in need. From this humble beginning came the Good Sam Club logo with it's familiar halo and wide grin.
From the Utah Good Sam ClubMr Art Griffin, who was editor of Trail-R-News Magazine offered free membership in a new RV Club whose aim would be courtesy to fellow travelers and good campground conduct. A free bumper sticker with the happy face representing the Good Samaritan and the Good Sam Pledge, which consisted of eight points were included with every response.