tenbear wrote:
frano wrote:
tenbear wrote:
The chapter we are in, here in Northern Vermont schedules 7 campouts, April thru October, usually in full service campgrounds. A problem we run into, especially during the summer months, is that members who register late may find themselves without sewer hookups. Campgrounds will hold a block of sites for us up until a certain date then they release them for general use.
Our chapter has been growing and it is feared that we will have a more difficult time finding CGs willing to hold enough sites for us. Time will tell. We now have about 40 member rigs but less than half attend our campouts. Your problems may be a matter of chapter size.
Our State Samboree is held in a fairground and we only have electric hookups, no AC allowed, but that is not usually a problem here in the frozen north.
My wife suggests you attend more out of state samborees and talk to their members.
Yes, we have been doing what your Wife suggests. While at the MA Samboree, we chatted with the Vermont State Director and he spoke of a chapter in Northern VT that would be a good match for what we're looking for (he was likely referring to your chapter). Unfortunately, we're too far apart but we have not given up on Good Sam yet. Our next mission is to explore NY since we're close to their border also.
We wold love to see you at the Vermont State Samboree. Here is a link to their web site.
Thanks, we would like to meet you folks also but that's the same weekend as the campout we're hosting in Pownal, VT.