RV App Developer wrote:
I am using the big Goodsam book to input data into the database for my app. I want this data to be as complete & accurate as possible. My question has to do with showers & restrooms at Goodsam rated RV parks. Almost all have a rating for "Showers & Restrooms" but none of the listings say the park has restrooms and only a couple mention showers. How do I know if a particular park has showers or restrooms or not?
Thanks for your help......
Visit all 15,000 of them like Good Sam does. Or, you could call them all, but we all know campground owners lie, even when the truth is easier, so that is probably out.
What is your app going to uniquely do that the other dozen or so sources don't? Just copying other people's work does border on copyright infringement, is unethical, and doesn't add anything to what already exists.