Two and a half hours does seem like a long time for a simple tire change. One could understand it if you needed a special tire brought along or something, but since you had your own spare it seems like someone could have been found and dispatched quicker than that. Do let us know what the outcome/explanation turns out to be!
And now, I hope with your permission O.P., this English Major simply
must weigh in on the below small kerfuffle over grammar...;)
bob34787 wrote:
Dog Folks wrote:
Your spelling and grammar needs work.
Technically it would be " your spelling and grammar need work "
That is correct, Bob. Context is everything, right? Grammar check can't tell the difference in that department, so when both are technically "correct" in form, one's own grasp of the language must take up that slack. Easy to understand the difference in this case by emphasizing key words in the phrase:
Your spelling and grammar needs work" is clearly not what was intended.
Your spelling and grammar need work" is correct, at least grammatically; though perhaps not according to Forum rules against insulting language.