midnightsadie wrote:
DUSTY got it right, I,ve been told THEY barter the price of the service call to four shops then take the lowest bid, thats why it takes so long for the call back. and if theres no takers YOU GET TOLD we can,t find a service shop.
This is precisely why I started a serious thread asking GSE to explain how their systems really work. In response they answered only a couple of my questions and summarily closed the post.
If they do not want SERIOUS, THOUGHTFUL, CRITICAL discussion they should just close this forum completely.
I for one am fence sitting. Again. Just about the time I decide to go with GSRSA over the others I read a new batch of these service failure stories. There is a common thread that runs through all of them.
I honestly feel that if GSE would explain how they make some of their decisions about RS calls it would go a long way to quieting much of the criticism. While we might not agree with the way they make certain decisions at least we are making an INFORMED choice as consumers and would know what to expect.
As for me I have asked my friend Mary to review all the big three plans Coachnet, GSE and AAA to give me an unbiased opinion. (She does not read this site) My deadline to choose one is looming with my leaving to full-time very soon.
I fear the only way to really get these answers is over the telephone or in person.