UsualSuspect wrote:
kardar2 wrote:
Hello All,
I have had my 5th wheel for a few years now. I signed up for a good sams discount card $25 (a year thing).So now I get all the wonderful junk mail. Yesterday I opened the envolope from them and I say it looked interesting. So I thought I might call them and see about getting a qoute. So it is Saturday and the wife and I was talking about it. We both love AAA and never ever had problems with them even on Highway 50 in Nevada when we were broke down. So I was going to post a question on the forum and found this sub category. Man I am really glad I did. I noticed every one fell back on AAA. So much for looking to save money. I will keep my AAA.good Sam's better get it together if they want my money. For now Good Sams no thank you.
I have both, just for info. some AAA's in other states do not cover RV's. When that happens you write the check first, then fill out a form to get reimbursed, but if you read AAA's documentation you will find out there are limits. AAA in a DP will not send out a spare if you get a flat, they will tow you to the nearest tire center, even if it is after hours or they are closed.
It is what it is--an insurance no one wants use. Life goes on vehicles break down, tires go flat. No entity is perfect, my brother has used GS three times over the years without major complaint.
I drove commercially for over twelve years and the average wait was normally four hours for a service truck to arrive on the scene.
Not a good way to begin or end a travel day, factor in a child or two and it can get nasty quickly.