I hate to say it but depending on destination We see anywhere from 30 to 75 % fewer Rigs since the Hey Days and the ones who are still heading down are not getting any Younger! Over the past Four Years We have introduced several New Folks about half of them are Keepers the rest enjoyed the experience but likely won't be back again.
I believe that many are staying away due to the Aging Factor coupled with the increased costs of Everything. Also some of the Great RV Parks of a few Years ago have not been up dated or even maintained to the level that they were Ten or more Years ago!
Add in the Scare Factor and You are seeing the results.
On a positive note there are a few places that are doing quite well at certain times of the Season. There seems to be a growing number of Mexican Nationals who are heading to the Beaches in RV.'s as well as Tents! They are mostly Middle Class Families with pretty nice Toys ! They are extremely Polite and friendly folks who enjoy The RV Parks that We have been staying at for the Past Dozen Years,
I believe that if You don't have A Great attraction like Beacfront with safe Swimming or perhaps a Well Maintained Water Park, with Pools to draw the Locals ,then The prospects for a Private RV Park are pretty poor right now.
We will be back again this Winter, but will be staying for a shorter period and will be exploring not only the West Coast but doing a Loop around the perimeter of Your Lovely Country while there are still RV Parks with openings for Us Getting Older Canadian RVers!