Sep 05, 2017Nomad
INM Enforcement of 6 Month “Tourist” Visas
For those who like to come and go from Mexico on a tourist visa without checking in and out, your time is slowly coming to an end.
"As Mexico’s INM, SAT / Hacinda / Aduana agencies gradually get all their local office computers connected to national databases, individual government agents (including clerks) can now pull up our personal records of past entrances & exits from Mexico and our past import/export & income generating activities, including violations of Mexican law."
INM Continues to Increase Enforcement of Restrictions on 6 Month “Tourist” Visas & Taxable Income
"As Mexico’s INM, SAT / Hacinda / Aduana agencies gradually get all their local office computers connected to national databases, individual government agents (including clerks) can now pull up our personal records of past entrances & exits from Mexico and our past import/export & income generating activities, including violations of Mexican law."
INM Continues to Increase Enforcement of Restrictions on 6 Month “Tourist” Visas & Taxable Income