4r45th wrote:
What is with this site, seems like they always want to bad mouth the Alfa, there is no more wrong things with Alfa then any other motorhomes, they all have there problems, to include the high priced ones. Seems like when someone asked a question on Alfas, a few people hop right up and condemn them, and I am sure they have not owned one to compare it! It is usually someone who has the typical statement like my brothers neighbor who new someones sister that lived in the other town next to a salesman, who said they were no good. Come on lets be more honest here. Alfa is a far better motor home for the value than lots of other brands, it is a diesel pusher on a freightliner chassis with the excellent newel suspension, that handles like a dream, equipped very nicely, and they do not have DELAM PROBLEMS, some do have problems with chipping in the fiberglass which is mainly cosmetic, and their are other brands with this problem also, it was the company who built the fiberglass panels. I know this because I have owned one since 2005, and have put over 75,000 miles on it, and it has been an excellent coach. Would I buy another one, you bet I would. I know you would not want people bashing your coaches if they have never owned one, so please guys lighten up, life is to short.
thank you for your post and insight. this does help. my biggest concern is the paint pock problems some owners have had. this unit is heads and tails over what we have now. we are planning a second and more detailed walk through next week. looking forward to it.