I seems many are trying to help you yet you don't like their answers???
If you ask 100 people if something is good and 80 say no, do you listen to the 20 that say it's a top notch piece or the 80 who saw enough to steer clear?
When we were buying our 4th or 5th MH (don't remember) we looked at an Alfa and saw enough to make us not even consider them. On the outside they looked OK (except for the sheetrock screws holding on the exterior cap trim, covered in silicone sealer - absolutely 100% true on the ones we looked at) but digging deep revealed some other really questionable design and build practices.
No one on here has anything to gain or lose in answering your questions. No one is trying to hurt your feelings. Many on here have been around long enough to remember the Alfa days and the not-so-good things about them. Of course there some who have enjoyed excellent service from their Alfa coach, the bigger issue is there are many more who haven't.
As with most everything in life there is the 80/20 rule. Do you want to take a chance the one you're looking at is in the 20% group?