Always an interesting question, and discussion. Same things we were asking ourselves a few years ago. Obviously, we opted for older, higher quality and overall we're pleased. We spent a lot less than $100k, but have also replaced many items - a/c units, refrigerator, tires - and done some maintenance (brakes, hydraulic pump, etc.). Some of these were our choice, some were not.
If I had $100k to spend on a motorhome, I sure wouldn't buy a new one - mainly because I don't believe anything out there that you can buy for $100k new is worth anything long term. Heck, I have friends who bought a new DP for $250k and I'd be sick if I were them (I won't say the brand). I learned long ago from others' mistakes - get the best quality you can afford.
Buying new doesn't mean you won't have problems, by the way.