I suspect you have miss-wired something...
I think the WF8935 has a RED and a WHITE wire coming off the 12VDC terminals.
WHITE is the NEG -12VDC (GND) and the COLORED RED wire is the POS +12VDC wire.
The only other connections you should have on the WF8935 board was the WHITE-BLACK-GREEN wiring from the 120VAC circuit breaker.

This is the basic wiring idea... I don't have a pictorial of your MAGNETIC unit but should be similar to this...

BESTCONVERTERS should have a writeup for you to use on replacing the Magnetic converter with the WFCO converter.
I am surprised you picked the WFCO WF 8900 series units as they don't have a good track record of not going into BOOST MODE smart mode charging... Most of us have had better luck with the Progressive Dynamics PD4600 or PD9200 series smart mode converters. They fit the same location.
The REVERSE POLARITY are usually two large value FUSES off-set to themself. These could be on the 12VDC distribution board.
This is a pictorial of the WFCO 12VDC distibution board.
You can see th two REVERSE POLARITY FUSES off to themself here...