Forum Discussion

lloydwells's avatar
Aug 02, 2017

'14 FW Bounder 36E SP/Gen. go off when engine is turned off

Hopefully I can explain my problem correctly, as it has me kind of perplexed! LOL!

First, over the last several days I have had a couple occasions where I would go to start the engine on the coach, and there was no power (no lights, nothing). I could however, start the generator. With the generator running, I could then start the engine normally.

Yesterday however, this stopped working. I tried to start the engine and it turned over once and that was it. After that I could not even start the generator. So, I checked my starting battery and noticed the indicator "eye" was red. I took it that meant it was a dead battery. I purchased and replaced the starting battery, and the coach started easily. Problem solved, right? So, I thought.

I drove home (this was all happening on a trip of course!) and parked the coach in the shed, shut off the engine and plugged in to the 30amp shorepower. Everything came on as expected, but after 5 minutes or so all the power went off. I checked the breaker in my home, and it was not tripped.

I could not get any power to come back on in the coach (not even battery power), and the generator would not start.

Since I had the ignition problem previously, I figured I would see if I could start the coach, and it started with no problems.

Surprisingly, about 10 seconds after the engine was running the power came back on in the coach. I was also able to start the generator again.

Then I began troubleshooting:

I unplugged the coach from shorepower, started the generator (with the coach engine running) and everything worked as expected.

Then I turned off the ignition, the generator ran for about 10-15 seconds then shut down. All power was off. Not even anything from the house batteries.

Then I did the same test with shore power connected. Same results, everything was fine as long as the engine was running (15-20 minutes at least) but as soon as I turn off the ignition, boom... no power.

Notes: I do hear a "clunk" from the battery control center, right after starting the engine (at the same time the power comes back on). I also hear the same "clunk" when everything dies after turning off the ignition.

Could the problem be in my BCC? Any tips on troubleshooting, or anyone that has had a similar issue?

Thanks in advance for any help!
  • I had a problem much as you described, turned out I had a bad house battery and the BCC would overheat trying to charge the bad battery
    I replaced the house batteries and the battery ground cable.

    I would have the batteries checked, first.
  • Thanks for the info jdavidsmi. I will have the batteries checked, but I would assume they are good. I replaced both house batteries about 6 months ago. I leave my coach plugged in to 30A shore power even when it is at home, and I didn't realize that doing so meant I needed to monitor the water level in the batteries more closely than normal, since they are constantly being charged. So, I unknowingly fried the first set! :(

    Something else I neglected to mention in my original post is that the issue occurs even when just running off the batteries... no shore power or generator. Power stays on for a while, then totally cuts off. I would think a charging/overheating issue might not happen when the coach is running on the house batteries (and not charging)?

    In some additional troubleshooting this afternoon, it seemed like the more things I turn on in the coach, the quicker the power shuts off. I tried once with only the LED porch light on, and it didn't shut off for 15 minutes (this was on 30A) I also tried once with several lights and one A/C unit on, and it only stayed 3-4 minutes (also on 30a).

    Thanks again for the info. I obviously need all the help I can get! LOL!
  • Sounds like a bad converter not charging the battery and no 12V to power the 12V side of things. Even with a dead battery the converter should have enough power to light the interior lights when plugged in to shore power.

    I don't know what kind of coach you have but I suspect you have a switch that kills 12v power for storage that may be in the off position.
  • garry1p wrote:
    I don't know what kind of coach you have but I suspect you have a switch that kills 12v power for storage that may be in the off position.

    Checked the 12v disconnect and it is in the "on" position. Wish it were that simple. Good call though, stranger things have happened.

    So I am leaning towards no 12v power unless the engine is running, as being my issue. Now I just have to track down the culprit.

    Any input is appreciated! :)
  • After going through several troubleshooting attempts posted here, I decided to go simple... I Tested 12v power inputs at BCC... got 12.5 or so from chassis battery side, and only 1.9 from house batteries. Not good!

    So I went back to house battery compartment and found that there are two 200A fuses inside the compartment. When tested, one had 12+ volts on both sides of the fuse, the other had 12+ on the battery side, but only 1.9 on the "out" side. Not good! I removed the fuse and tested resistance... meter did not move... bad fuse. (A good fuse should show a resistance of around zero ohms)

    So after new fuse was installed, voltage tested at 12+ on both sides of new fuse. Voltage at 12+ at the BCC on both the chassis and house battery inputs. All power is back on in coach. I ran on the generator for about 15 minutes without losing power, and now I'm on 30A shore power with no problems so far. )) (All without even having to start the engine!)

    So, thanks to everyone's input we were able to track this down, and it ended up being a fairly simple solution and a cheap part (not including my labor fees of course! LOL)

    There are some photos here of the old and new fuses, the location on the fuse(s) in the battery compartment, and the block with the new fuse installed. In hopes that if someone else has this problem, this info will help them out. I need all the good karma I can get!

    Thanks again to everyone who posted. ALL of your information was helpful, and contributed to helping me fix this problem.

    Safe travels!!!
