Might mean floating the valves, and he is probably right. Not a lot of gear selections on that old Chev, so you pretty much would have to try to keep the rpms down in 1st while still actually getting up the hill.
If its got any Carbon buildup, you'll probably be burning premium octane to keep from burning through the piston tops from pre-ignition.
I bought a 78 350 3/4 ton pickup with auto and 4.10 gears to pull my boat to Nebraska years ago. Not only could it not get over 55, it couldn't accelerate without pinging. it was just not a truck for towing, not with the big block camper specials available out there in the day. I thought I was being wise because the big blocks didn't do well on fuel, but towing that little 350 was getting 4 mpg, so it backfired.