Forum Discussion

hubcapklep's avatar
Jul 19, 2013

1985 Ford Jubilee Motorhome

Just purchased the 1985 Jubilee Motorhome. We had the gas tanks rotted out and the fuel pumps replaced with new ones. I also replaced all of the sparkplugs and wires. We took it out for a test drive and when we went up hills the engine would backfire. We stopped and topped off both of the gas tanks with 92 grade but it still backfired. the temperature was around 93. Has anyone else had this problem with their motorhome. If so what did you do to correct this. We heard that the ethinol in the gas may cause this.
  • I would run two cans of SeaFoam in a tank of fuel. It's the only product of it's type that I have ever seen work.
  • Ethanol would have little effect.
    Did you change fuel filter?
    I would run some carb, combustion cleaner through the rig. I use Chevron Techrolene(sp) concentrate. If it has been sitting for a while varnish builds up in some areas. This stuff cleans valve stems, carb, injectors and intake areas.
  • Bad valves or weak ignition or a carb issue...
    I'd pay a good mechanic to fix or tell me what to fix
    Guessing is too expensive in the long run.
    Good Luck, Mike