Forum Discussion

madjack60's avatar
Mar 02, 2015

1987 Bounder 34ft wiring question

I recently purchased a 1987 Bounder 34ft class A. Doing clean up on it I found a 10 or 12 gauge white wire with an eylet type lug laying loose under the hood near the coach battery. I have no idea where this goes and to make it mor mysterious everything in the coach works. This unit has a generator and it does what it is supposed to, as I said everything works. I found a wiring diagram for this Bounder but havent identified this cable. Anyone out there with this model Bounder have any input for me??? Any help appreciated.
  • Thanks for the info guys, I still have no clue but all are good suggestions. I guess when the snow clears here in Littleton Colorado I can try tracing this thing down.
  • There are a couple of wires on my Newmar that are not factory equipment. I towed my wife's PT with a trans pump and that wire is still there even though the car is gone. There is also a wire for the brake system that I still have. If I were to sell without the brake system I would remove the control but leave the wire there.
  • I was going with what Jeff was thinking. Some of the Bounders had a small soaler panel on top of one of the ac units. My solar panel had departed before I bought it. I did find the wire tucked among some other weirs in the battery compartment. So look carefully and see if there are sings that you once had a small panel on one of the AC units. If not you will just have to track it down. It could be for some add on from a previous owner.
  • no solar on the roof. I gave a "quick" tap of this cable to positive side of the house battery and got a nice spark.
  • My guess (and guess only) is the wire heads towards some type of accessory that is not on the coach (towing perhaps). Is there any way you can try to follow it to get more clues?
  • Mad,

    By "coach" battery, do you mean the chassis battery that starts the engine or the house battery that runs things inside the living area?

    Does the coach have a trailer hitch?
    It could be a power lead for the towed.

  • It would be your best bet to attempt to trace where this wire leads. It probably goes through the firewall up under your dash. If you lift the dash cover you might be able to see the same wire and where it connects. Probably goes to your fuse panel.