Forum Discussion

ro_co3's avatar
Jun 20, 2014

1997 discovery headlight problem

I just bought a 1997 discovery and I can't get the headlights to come on. I have power at the switch but not at the light. I've checked for the right fuse but can't find one. Its not listed in any of the material I have. Also the fog lights don't work either. Was wondering if it goes thru a relay and if it does which one. Help me save a whole lot of tracing. Thanks for any help.
  • I'll bet its the headlight switch----had this problem once a long time ago and I think it was some kind of an old Ford switch. You said you have current to the switch. None coming out? Also I put all my lights on relays to eliminate the load going through the switch.
  • I agree with Fischer. Fleetwood can help you. In answer to another question that was raised, the Discovery is a diesel on a Freightliner chassis.

    Ed Headington
  • If your call fleetwood they will tell you which fuse is for the headlights, also if you ask nice they will send you the electrical diagrams for your coach free of charge. Have the v. i. n. number ready
  • my fog lights fuse is inside the BCC (battery control center.)
  • Hi,

    What chassis is underneath the motor home? (i.e. Ford, Chev, and etc.)