John&Joey wrote:
That's fantastic. Looks like the prior owner knew what they were doing. Watch out about that temp thing. As memory serves me correct that thermostat was some sort of a high performance one. Not the China cheapy you get at the stores.
Other thing you need to pay attention to is the fan. That was a thermostatically controlled fan and you should hear it "roar" when it engages. If you don't hear it roar then do some due diligence. If you do hear it roar and the temp goes down then it's all good.
Old school trick is to put some tape to it and then something that doesn't move. If the tape is broken then you know it engaged and you just couldn't hear it.
Thanks for the info I believe the thermostat is a balanced one. And actually the fan did kick on the other night when it got up there and then cooled right off so that’s good!