Forum Discussion

Gordian79's avatar
Nov 11, 2019

1999 Fleetwood discovery not cranking.

I picked up a 1999 Fleetwood Discovery 36t. When I went to look at the seller connected batteries and it started right up. The next day I pick up the unit and it starts right up.I drove it for about an hour and stopped for some diesel. Once I was done filling it up I went to start it and it didn’t crank over. I could hear clicking sound but it wasn’t turning over. I waited about 15 min are it fired right up. I get it home park it. The next day I start it up no runs for 15 or so minutes shut it off and same problem not cranking but I hear the clicking. Today I go out to start it again now it won’t crank same clicking. Batteries are charged all battery connections are clean. Water level battery is good. Where should I look first?
  • RLS7201 wrote:
    Your coach has battery disconnect switches from the factory. They are in the Battery Control Center (BCC). The disconnects are controlled by the two rocker switches by the door, labeled Main & Aux. The BCC is probably in the bay just forward of the batteries.

    Yes I saw those switches maybe previous owner did not know. I actually have to change one of the rocker switches there the one for the steps.It feels like it’s broken. The old owner said he would disconnect the batteries because something was draining them.ill have to go check fuses with power off to see if something is pulling power.
  • Your coach has battery disconnect switches from the factory. They are in the Battery Control Center (BCC). The disconnects are controlled by the two rocker switches by the door, labeled Main & Aux. The BCC is probably in the bay just forward of the batteries.
  • I’m going to check all connections. Old owner had batteries disconnected and every time he was going to use it he would connect them. I don’t like that idea things reset your moving cables around all the time I’m sure there’s something tweak from the constant taking it on and off. I will be adding 2 battery disconnects for engine and house batteries.
  • Do the simple stuff first - make sure the battery is good (any auto parts place will test for free) and clean all the contacts and grounds.
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Sounds like the contacts in the starter solenoid need cleaning-replaced but first I’d clean-tighten all the connections included the ground. The solenoid can be removed without removing the starter.
  • some ideas:
    Possibly the starter solenoid sticking or starter not getting enough power.
    Check engine/starter motor to vehicle connections, especially ground connections on vehicle side.
    Check battery to vehicle ground connection on vehicle side.
    Slightly tap starter motor with a hammer, see if it makes a difference.