I'm presuming here that you are having knocking or pre-detonation, which typically reveals itself under heavy load like hills or getting the rig up to speed. You will read that a little detonation is OK. It's not. What is happening is the mixture is exploding rather than burning in the cylinder. An exploding mixture puts tremendous heat and pressure on the pistons and head, and can blow head gaskets or break pistons. It usually doesn't happen on new rigs, but as they age, deposits on the pistons build up and the decreased chamber volume effectively raises the compression ratio, which is not good, especially with the cheap gas we have today. The first thing I do is switch to the highest octane gas which is more resistant to detonation. Yes it's more expensive, but an engine tear down is even worse. You can also add octane boosters along with high octane to get the rating higher. The next thing is decrease weight, which I know is hard. The next thing is downshift to the lowest gear possible going up hills. If you have to go up in second to quiet the engine just take your time and do it. The comment above about the spark plugs is correct. That year Triton has the 4 thread plugs and are prone to blow out. They didn't fix that until the 03 chassis year. The engine is trying to tell you "it's too much work". Good luck