@rehoppe - yep, always fill it at 1/2, more or less. There was only one leg where we ran it down below a 1/4, but that was several years ago.
@carringb - thanks for the tips. We have a Wilco here in town, but the station is now a Texaco. Astro is in Tigard, and PAC? New one on me.
@LT E5, Thanks for restarting this thread...Fuel pumps have been in tanks for at least 3 decades now. I've replaced several - one in my '88 Pontiac, one in friend's Taurus with his help, and 2 in the same friend's Jimmy. In all three, they made odd noises so we replaced them before they died. This is the first one I've had that worked last time, and doesn't this time with no warning!