Forum Discussion

TheIrons84's avatar
Jun 14, 2015

2000 Shasta Sprite coach battery question.

My coach battery appears to be going dead, and I believe it may be for some reason I'm not sure of.

The RV sits for a few weeks or a month before we use it for weekend getaways, so I don't need it to be on at all.

There is a red lever inside the closet and I think this may be a lever that controls this power. Does anybody know?

Also, I need to put a charger on that coach battery. Will it hurt to hook a charger up to it with the cables still connected to the RV itself?
  • You first need to check the SOC with a volt meter @ the batteries & not connected to shore power.

    With a coach that old, I would charge the batteries with a portable smart charger & have the batteries disconnected from the coach. Your converter, unless it's been replaced with a modern one is basically useless for charging.

    How old are the batteries ?