Forum Discussion

Dlax2's avatar
Dec 08, 2019

2001 Monaco Knight - bulb number in headlights

I would like to change the bulbs in my Monaco’s headlights to an LED bulb. I have been told that I need to know the numbers on the present bulb before I can purchase the LED bulbs. Does anyone know the bulb number in the headlights. It looks like it is not easy to break down to get to the headlight so I want to make sure I get the right LED bulb before taking it all apart. There is no reference to the headlights at all in the books that came with the MH. I have also been told if I contact the chassis manufacturer - Roadmaster - that they can tell me. Any info would be a great help. Thanks
  • Yes, it’s best to pull the bulbs and get the number off them. They are usually 9002-9007 or an H and single digit like H3? Can’t say for sure. But the numbers will be on them.

    I can tell you I installed LED’s on my wife’s 2013 Explorer and they are unbelievable. We had a rental car a 2019 Volvo with the LED’s and when she got her car back she was spoiled.
    I will be installing them in my MH this spring.
  • Dlax, welcome to the forum. To better assist you, please go to the opening page and click on "Preferences" tab. This will allow you to put your coach discription in your signature so you don't have to put it in your post.

    If you open the generator compartment in your Knight, you can easily remove the bulb in the headlamps. Each bulb should have a number stamped on it. Google, then will be your friend to finding the correct replacement...good luck...Dennis
  • Bulbs are usually very easy to remove and replace, just a half-turn or so and they pop right out. Most any auto person can do it.
  • I am no expert, but I don't think you can simply swap out an LED bulb. I could be wrong, but I think you have to change the bulb fixture as well.

    I am sure there are others that have more experience on the subject than I do that might offer solutions.