My WBO View had a set of Firestone Transforce HT LT225R75/16 tires on it, dated late 2012 when I purchased it in Sept of 2015. They worked well but the broker (for the estate of the deceased owners) had used tire shine on the sidewalls and it sat for a while on their lot. I have had several tire people tell me this caused the fine checking of the sidewalls that these tires had after I bought it. You cannot get the tire shine off, no matter what you use, and it is nasty when you handle the tires. I ended up scrapping the tires in the summer of 2017 due to this and installing a set of Michelin MS2 tires. I did move a rear inboard with no sidewall checking, to the spare position and scrapping out the new/original 2006 Michelin spare.
I considered a new set of the Firestones, or possibly Bridgestones or Toyo tires, but in the end I got the Michelins thru the FMCA advantage program cheaper than any deal a tire dealer was willing to make on any other tire. The Michelins ride about a thousand precent better than the Firestones did, and that made me much happier.