Big Katuna wrote:
Hi Gundog.
My TPO documents said to use Murphy’s Oil Soap to clean. We have mildew issues in Fl so I add 1/3 C bleach to the bucket.
I would re-ask your two questions in the appropriate forums for better response.
I would also scour Youtube for vids.
I would leave the existing lap sealant and use Eternabond on the end caps and vents.
My Expy has been stored outside it’s life and I would leave the roof to wall seal alone if it looks good. I just had mine inspected and resealed and they said it’s fine; cause more headaches if you mess with it.
The fuel filters need refilled before installing but you need to use pre filtered fuel. You can also thread a threaded nipple into the center hole and fill the filter thru the side holes. Fleetwood also sells a primer pump that bolts to the fuel filter mount.
Transcynd trans fluid is $70/gal unless there is a generic. Check to see when’s it’s due and if he used ext life. Last time I checked it’s pricey.
I bought some cleaner designed for RV roofs at wally world I am not sure it is for TPO it does not say I thought I would try a very small area and see how it works. I may go buy the Murphys soap
I worked as an equipment mechanic in my younger days so that part I have experience with.
I called NAPA and asked how much for the trans filters they told me $129 and change so I called the local factory authorized dealer for Allison OEM filters were $57 and the Transynd was $39 a gallon. Needless to say I bought it from them.
I bought a 9 gallon oil pan on wheels and a ball valve drain in it. The drain pan is supposed to be here today so I can get those tasks done. I lubed it already and changed the fuel filter.
I saw a video on the Eternabond tape looks like good stuff the guy removed most of the old sealer if the sealer looks decent can you apply the tape over it?
Thanks Mike