Forum Discussion

Blemaire's avatar
Jul 21, 2014

2006 jayco escapade

Is there anyone else that has one ? We just purchased one with 22,000 miles on it . I was wondering what you think about it and what are some of the problems you ve come across .
  • ericsmith32 wrote:
    Bought our Escapade last year. No problems that were Jayco related just a couple PO's that didn't know how to properly take care of it. Watch the seem from the front cap to epdm roof and around the antenna a bit further back, ours leaked in both places. Look for any quick splices and replace them with real splices. Not sure if those were the work of the PO or factory. I'll have to look it up but you can get a module for the power converter that turns it into a 3 stage.

    As far as being a entry/rental trim you won't notice. The only thing ours doesn't have that I'd like is a fiber glass roof that the uppers have. Ours has others features than my grandparents 02 Istaca Spirit (Winnebago) doesn't which is surprising.

    Did you get a manual for it? Think I have one on a pdf if you don't.
    I did . They had everything in a big blue jayco box. It s not fancy , but for what we want and can afford it s nice to us . We are so new to this . Thanks for your help.
  • We have a 2005 jayco escapade yslp 24 (which really measures almost 25').

    We like it. The kitchen is wanting in counter space but I just use the dinette and hubby will shortly install a flip up counter on the corner by the bed.

    The floor is a bit spongy in the bathroom area; hubby looked underneath and there really isn't much support there...he will add some support there.

    We added an extra tank underneath/hubby, of course.

    We found that when they assembled this unit they drove the screws too far home. The screws that are under the decorative strip at corners
    and actually everywhere. We are going to fix that and rebed with eternabond.

    10 mpg and maybe 11 when conditions are perfect and speed is not past
    55...winds? worse.

    He thinks it drives well...coming from travel trailer and van combo.

    You can pm if you have any questions.

    We have had this for almost two years and lived in it for 117 nights so far.
  • Bought our Escapade last year. No problems that were Jayco related just a couple PO's that didn't know how to properly take care of it. Watch the seem from the front cap to epdm roof and around the antenna a bit further back, ours leaked in both places. Look for any quick splices and replace them with real splices. Not sure if those were the work of the PO or factory. I'll have to look it up but you can get a module for the power converter that turns it into a 3 stage.

    As far as being a entry/rental trim you won't notice. The only thing ours doesn't have that I'd like is a fiber glass roof that the uppers have. Ours has others features than my grandparents 02 Istaca Spirit (Winnebago) doesn't which is surprising.

    Did you get a manual for it? Think I have one on a pdf if you don't.
  • I had not realized Jayco had carried the Escapade model line into the 2006 year. Escapade was a basic, entry/rental trim level type C, sold fully equipped with no options, to compete with the likes of contemporary FourWinds 5000 (and badge engineered Chateau/Dutchmen lines), base level non-slideout Fleetwoods, Coachmen Freedom, and the contemporary non-slide Sunseeker models. Market for all of these was rental dealers and buyers looking for "most RV for the money, no fancy trim, no slideouts."

    I'm in favor, this is where I shop, whether it is RVs, cars, houses, tools, whatever. The Escapade was as well built, on the same production lines with the same workers, as the more upscale Greyhawk and Granite Ridge lines. The Escapade was just not as fancy. Like buying an XL Ford truck, a LS Chevy, LX Honda, or SE Toyota.

    If you are happy with the features and trim level, this is as good as it gets, you are buying basic quality but not extra features nor glitz.