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RVER's avatar
Jun 26, 2016

2013 vs 2014 Bounder

We are looking at Class A RVs, We are not new to RVing, had a1994 Winnebago Adventurer and then 2002 Sunnybrook fifthwheel which we still have and love but for some reasons we want to think about a Class A and will put the fifthwheel on a permanent site. We love our fifthwheel. Anyway, the 2013 has a bath and half and the 2014 does not. The 2013 has 19,250 miles and the 2014 has 7559 miles on it. For some reason the 2014 was costing less or near the same as the 2013. What I am looking for is owners who know the units and telling me if they are known for known problems. Both are V10 ford engines, appear to be pretty clean. Can we do mountains with the V-10 although most of our travel is in New England but if we want to go to Florida or Montana or Arizona etc are we looking at the right rig. WE are NOT going to live in it but travel for sure.
Thanks for honest appraisals.
  • RVER wrote:
    90 thou and some on the 2013 with bath and half and 103 and some dollars for the 2014 with one bath but 7 thou miles, the 2013 had at least twice that miles.

    Well its a year newer and less miles and cost more, that's normal, I do know the new Fleetwood company makes the classic model Bounder and a little higher quality model Bounder.

    As to the V-10 it will handle the mountain's, just get the 5 star tuning and you will be fine.
  • 90 thou and some on the 2013 with bath and half and 103 and some dollars for the 2014 with one bath but 7 thou miles, the 2013 had at least twice that miles.
  • Where do you find the chassis year on the chassis?? GREAT point!
  • I would check the date on the chassis to make sure of the true year! My coach's chassis is 2003, but everything else is a 2004, therefore it can be licensed as a 2004. Why I'm pointing this out to you, is when I bought a set of shocks the model year changed and, I needed a set of shocks for a 2003 chassis! A set of 2004 shocks wouldn't of fit due to the chassis change in 2004! Good Luck with your new coach!
  • Thanks, Bounder has always had a good reputation but fear the quality has gone down in last few years, but by the sounds of it, they are still great.
  • We have a 2003 bounder diesel. I know all the units share in common is the name and the manufacturing company but I sure have a good response whenever I had a problem and called them.
  • THANKS for the information and the positive feedback. I Know that the 2016 or 2017 have a 6 speed tranny that some love and some say does not make much difference in noise level. Bounders years ago were nice units but was not sure of now. IT seems that manufacturing quality control has decreased in RVs over the years. IT is a HUGE expense but we may make the dive. When we decided to go with a fifth wheel from Class A, it took a year and half to sell the A. That scares me a bit. I pay for storage all year round because our town does not allow anything greater than 30 ft in your yard. Our fiver is 35 ft and stays in our yard to get ready for a trip and after a trip to unload and then back to the storage at Normandy Farm CG.
    Salisnbury Beach is a very nice place to camp IF in the right campground!! Thanks for the offer and may take you up on it. The one we are looking at is the 2013 with bath and half. The 2014 is SAME but no half bath in bedroom.
  • We have a 2014 Bounder 33C. We have 33K miles on it so far. We have been from FL to Alaska and crossed every mountain chain in between. We have done long 9 percent grades (towing our jeep) up and down, taken it to 11,000 feet, and gone 'off road' with it. We live in it full time and have 0 complaints about our bus.

    We have looked at other RVs since purchasing our Bounder (I think RV owners are required to) but we haven't found anything we like better. Ours is holding up well, has the perfect floorplan for us, and does everything we have asked of it. The only thing we would consider changing is the flooring. We hate the carpet.

    We are in Salisbury Beach right now if you have any specific questions.
  • We own a 2009 Bounder 32W, bought used in 2010. I've had trailers, fifth-wheels, gas and diesel trucks, etc. We really like our Bounder and have had good service from it. Regarding climbing mountains, we just got back from a week at Lake Tahoe. We live in California's central valley and the climb to the lake takes you over a pass that is about 7,400'. The Bounder handled it just fine. I note that you have a diesel truck. You do need to realize that the gas V-10 in the Bounder makes its power with higher RPMs. It is perfectly happy to rev above 5,000 RPM, though I generally find it settles around 4,700 and about 40 mph on most 6-7% grades. Yes, it gets loud and some people are bothered by that, but the engine will run all day at high RPM and do fine. I never see any rise in engine or transmission temp, with the cycling of the engine cooling fan the only indication that it is working harder. We like our Bounder,