ndrorder wrote:
I ended up buying without a slide, but had scribbled a rear slide options off my list as they couldn't be deployed for overnight stops (Walmart, rest areas, etc) with what I planned to haul.
In my travels and using rest stops, truck stops, walmart etc. I find a spot out of the way and where the slide is facing a grassy area or an area where another vehicle cannot park. In a pinch I have moved my rear slide out just enough to allow the bed to come out from under the cabinet so my feet do not hit. Unless there are many open spots i do not park where the big rigs park, maybe if another coach is in there I will pull in behind as a courtesy to the OTR drivers. The times I am pulling the 16ft. trailer things may be a little different or if the toad is with me.
I just realized that the original poster was discussing a rear out the back slide and not a slide on the rear such as a bedroom slide. Duh.