The 30 to 50 Dog bone others have talked about will keep the park's breaker from tripping, so you won't have to run out to reset,, The 30 amp breaker inside your rig, however, is just as trippable, (But at least it is inside where you can reset it in your BVDs).
Another thought.. If you do not have an energy management system... (And it appears you do not)
Break out the air conditioner.. By "Break out" I mean disconnect the power line that feeds it from the breaker box.. Put a SINGLE Breaker box in for just the A/C.. Feed this breaker box from an INLET located in a handy place outside (I added a utility compartment to my rig) run a power cord out to the same utility box from the breaker where the A/C is currently connected.. This will end in an OUTLET that plugs onto the INLET described above.
ALL wire to be 12ga or heavier.
Move all 3 wires
now.. You have a choice.. Plug the outlet onto the inlet and the RV is just as it is now save the A/C is protected by TWO breakers now.
Pull the outlet off the inlet and feed it with a 12GA extension cord off the parks' 20 amp outlet and ... You now have more power for your Microwave or Water heater...
Or use a 50 amp "Splitter" Adapter, this has a 50 amp plug and TWO 30 amp outlets, you can then reduce one down to 15 amps to feed that 12 ga cord to the inlet.
Design is based on Power Solutions RV, which it appears is no longer in business.