I have arrived in Charleston SC. I traveled 2-1/2 days from Little Rock AR. While in Little Rock, I attempted to have the fan clutch replaced. The repair facility “United Engines” twice ordered a fan clutch and both times the wrong part came in. I had even provided them with a Workhorse Part Number, but they failed to use it and ordered wrong using their own info. I was not a happy camper and just ran out of time. They did, however, replace the thermostat.
I ran at highway speeds (60 – 65) on Rte 40 and Rte 26. My experience was the exact same that I had going out to Little Rock. The engine temp climbed and came down. Twice, the temp climbed almost to the shaded red area and came back down to “normal” range on the gauge. At no time did I hear the “Roar” of the fan clutch cutting in. However, I do have a bit of a hearing loss. Both mornings before I started the engine, I checked the coolant reservoir; there was no coolant in the reservoir. I had to add DexCool to the “Cold” level. The 2nd morning, right after I started the engine, I heard a “rattle” that sounded like a water pump rattle just before it quits. I immediately got on the road and made it to Charleston without any other incidents other than the temp rising and falling.
I immediately ordered a water pump and a fan clutch from a Workhorse distributor in Alabama. I will have those items in hand in another day or so. I don’t have the time to stay here to get the replacement parts installed. I’m leaving here Sunday morning and driving the 400 miles home to Virginia. If I have a water pump failure going home, I will at least have a replacement pump on board. With the engine running and at temp, I do not see any coolant leaking on the ground. The temp does not rise from “normal” when running at idle.