I don't understand the misconception about all the up keep/more expensive.
Routine maintenance is slightly more expensive but not to such a degree to be an issue
50K a year.......Fine Dining/Fancy Resorts/Caviar/Cuban cigars/Champagne/Theater Tickets......maybe
We full timed for 7 yrs. on half of that.
Fine Dining...heck yes I'm a great cook
Fancy Resorts.....YEP $10/night via membership----right next to them $$$$MHs
Caviar....sorta-----just substituted salmon eggs from the bait shop
Cuban Cigars......well Red Dot Cigars might not be Cuban but they smoke pretty good
Champagne.....does Martinelli's Sparkling juice in a traditional champagne bottle count
Theater Tickets.....afternoon matinee every week