I have 1 year and 8 months till the wife retires. We are planning a yearly trip of 250-300 days a year to see the country always starting in mid Ohio and going east or west for our trips. I have spent 3 years mapping and road tripping highlights from every state vacation guide (minus HI), in the country.
We cant wait to travel, anyway, I estimated each trip with known expenses. i.e. museum entrance fees, estimated mapquest miles from point a to b, tour fees, boat/canoe rentals, 4WD rentals, etc and campground fees. I estimated mpg @ 8 for the RV with a gasser and $3.50 per gallon and the TOAD at 25mpg. All of my trips figure out at $20,000 to $25,000 per year. As for campground fees I figured the highest amount listed in the GS directory for full hookups. I did not figure PA, GS, FMCA discount memberships, nor did I figure discounts at museums, tours, rental places.
So I am figuring your $50K budget is high and unless you go crazy with spending you should have plenty of funds.
G George