We recently just bought the motor home and the batteries were dead when we bought it. I had to jump the batteries to get the generator started. The a.c. and furnace worked fine. I hooked them back up to take to a shop to get the proper batteries installed. When I did the furnace and a.c. will not work whether I'm on the generator or plugged in but everything else works. I replaced the thermostat with a new Coleman Mach which is the same one that was in it. It also has a new converter. I've checked every fuse I can find and turned breakers on and off. There is no clicking noise like the pilot light is trying to light and no fan and the same with the a.c., no clicking noise and no fan. I just assumed if I was plugged into a landline that the batteries wouldn't matter. So i guess I will buy two new batteries but I'm not sure if that will fix my problem. I really feel this is something simple right in front of me because it worked fine until I unhooked the batteries and hooked them back up. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated